Please adhere to safe health, equipment & shooting practices while at the club
or attending events, to keep you, your family and others safe.

Fort Lauderdale Archers is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the sport of archery. Located at 4590 Peters Road (just west of State Road 7/441), and only minutes from most areas of Broward County, this 40-acre, 5-star rated club features a 90-meter Fita range, a lighted practice range consisting of targets from 10-yards to 80-yards, three national 3-D courses, a 28-target field course and a FITA / 900 Round competition course.

Member, Participating Member and Full-time Student memberships are available. After becoming a registered member, you are provided with the key to the main gate, offering you 24-hour, 7-day a week access to the club. Lighting is accessible as well for those who enjoy shooting at night; in-season targets are provided.


Upcoming Shoots

4-0-2 Indoor No 9
Tue, Feb 18th
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Fort Lauderdale Archers

Indoor No 10
Tue, Feb 25th
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Fort Lauderdale Archers

Indoor League Awards
Tue, Mar 4th
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Fort Lauderdale Archers

How to Join

1_0Fort Lauderdale Archers is a private club with membership on a yearly basis; you must have your own equipment to shoot here. If your are interested in joining please contact us for information.

Please note Fort Lauderdale Archers does not offer lessons, provide equipment (even on a rental basis) or allow individuals to come out and shoot at an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly rate. Our club is for individuals who already have their own equipment and are looking to join on a yearly basis.